Thursday, June 15, 2006


Actor & celebrity Danny Glover, says:
"I began drinking the top selling brand of noni Juice without any knowledge of the benefits nor had I read any testimonies, just on the advice of a friend.

After a few days of consuming the juice, I noticed I slept better and I felt stronger, more refreshed and more alert. I keep Noni on the movie set while I am filming. I also drink it before I exercise knowing it will enhance my exercise regimen. Noni Juice gives me an overall sense of well being."

Doctors, other health professionals and millions of others who have been drinking and using it topically for over 5,000 years consider it to be a true "Natural Healing Miracle!"
All Noni Juice comes from the Noni fruit which is grown in the tropics on the Morinda plant, It can grow as high as 20 feet, has large evergreen leaves and small white flowers.

These flowers develop into a small bumpy, smelly, bad tasting fruit.
Noni has been has used for food, for cloth dye and most importantly, for it's medicinal properties. While the fruit is the most used, it's roots, bark and it's leaves are as well.

Noni's medicinal properties have been very effectively used by people in India/Asia for over 5,000 years! And by Islanders in the South Pacific for over 2,000 years!
While noni is a natural fruit, it is, just like anything else, affected by the soil it is grown in what minerals are in that soil and the climate where it is grown.

Noni grown in younger volcanic islands (like Hawaii) have higher levels of potassium, lead and mercury than are found in the soil of older islands. (Like France Polynesia.)

Noni's quality, and thus it's effectiveness, is also influenced by other factors such as when how, when it is picked, processed & even what it is bottled in.
The highest quality noni is from the older volcanic islands of French Polynesia.
(Research shows the highest quality and the most effective Noni is grown

To me, a natural juice like this requires no more research than would be required to walk into a store any buy any fruit juice there!
(Which is none.)

Knowledgeable doctors and other medical professionals, plus hundreds of thousands of others from all around the world, all agree the following two statements are 100% true.
"Noni Juice is the single most important natural healing remedy ever yet found!"


"It's ability to treat an extremely wide variety of ailments is unsurpassed!"
Here are JUST a FEW of the things this real MIRACLE does.
Noni Juice has RESTORED people eyesight! (Iris Idis) It effectively treats glaucoma and macular degeneration.

I am 71 and I USED to wear glasses to read!

It greatly reduced the aches and pains of old age. I recover from injuries faster. I do not any where close to the muscle soreness I used to get after a weekend of playing beach volleyball.
It's taken a nurse with AIDS in her brain and who was to die within TEN days from it, to completely recover.

It's has made some peoples need to have heart surgery unnecessary. It repaired one person's heart so much a scheduled heart transplant was NOT needed.
It has repaired peoples lungs so they no longer need to have any extra oxygen. It has heals the bites of recuse spiders and others. It eliminates the pain of hot grease burns and heals them quickly. It improves sleep and dreams.

It has stopped cancer in it's tracks and shrank tumors.
It helps those with Autism, Allergies, Migraines and Diabetes. It speeds healing & reduces scaring.

One way to PROVE it works (aside from burning yourself on purpose or letting a brown recluse spider bite you or your having surgery) is to measure your blood pressure and Cholesterol levels.

Then drink at least 2 ounces a day for 30 days and measure them again.
Oh yea, more than just a few people, who have started drinking it for other reasons, found their desire to smoke decrease until they no longer had any desire to smoke at all.
(And this happened fairly quickly. Around a month.)

It not only works on both the insides and the outsides of our bodies, it does the for ALL pets, livestock, animals, mammals, birds and reptiles. (For all I know, it may work on fish as well.)
AND if more people would drink enough it it long enough, hardly anyone, IF anyone, would ever stop drinking it.

I understand there are now around 300 companies who sell their brands of it.
The company who really, over nine years ago, started all of this & who brought it to the world, who, by far, still sells the most of it, made this Natural Healing Miracle even better by adding 10% other natural fruit juices to the pure noni juice.

These added juices not only improved it's taste, they also enhanced it's already fantastic healing abilities.
So their Noni Juice is a combination of NATURAL FRUIT JUICES & NONI JUICE from the older volcanic islands of French Polynesia.
(Research shows the highest quality and the most effective Noni is grown

Their company IS the fastest growing and most successful mlm IN HISTORY with over THREE BILLION Dollars in sales in ONLY nine (9) years.
To put it in prospective, it took Microsoft over eight (8) years to reach ONE Billion in sales.
AND if you are not completely satisfied with your results, they refund 100% of your money,
(Even if you buy, drink/use a whole case of it (4 one liter bottles)

Now there is NO way a company could reach the levels of success they have and not have their noni work to the satisfaction of nearly every person who buys it!
While I'd like to earn (badly needed) money with Noni Juice, my having to put up with fools and/or those who question what I say, it is just not worth it.
IF I could afford to buy it at retail, I would quit the company so no one could say the only reason I rant and rave about Noni Juice is because I sell it.

(I also rant and rave about "Baby Plus" as well as products from Oil Extreme and I have nothing to do with them.)
Were I desirous of playing the game, and doing what I should to succeed at mlm, (and even with the companies pay plan)

I could be earning many thousands a month just as ALL FOUR of those directly above me are doing and have been doing for years.
(All four quit their GOOD jobs to do this full time and all are earning much more than they were in their jobs.)

So, I will stop ranting and raving on it for now. If you want to know what it has done of me, millions of others and ALL animals, mammals, reptiles and birds, please let me know.
I thank you for your time.

Please, Take Care!
Neil to learn more and order yours today

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