Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Reduced pain

The surgery seems to have worked better than I could have imagined. Every day my arm grows stronger and less tender. It is still going to take time for the healing to really sink in but I think I am finally free of the morphine.

I am still in discomfort with my left shoulder but through therapy which includes exercises at home that should improve as well and then I can chuck the oxycodone for good. I am still going to apply for my medical pot license, because I'm sure my arm & shoulder are feeling better because of the very nice weather that we are experiencing currently. Not sure how long it will last though then it will get really hot.

I continue to use Watkins products to help soothe my muscles so that the pain medication can do it's work. Be sure to visit today and see for yourself why so many people totally rely on Watkins products. 100% customer satisfaction or your money refunded.

I look forward to hearing from others what they do to ease their chronic pain. Does the weather affect your pain? Do you keep your home really warm all the time? I do. Drives my friends crazy because my place is always so warm so in the summertime when it is boiling they think I must really feel good because of the heat. As a matter of fact I've got a sweater on this morning.

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