Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Peanut Butter Recalled as Five Die in Salmonella Outbreak
A peanut butter has issued a nationwide recall as officials reported five deaths may now be associated with a salmonella outbreak.The Peanut Corporation of America issued its voluntary recall for 21 lots of peanut butter made at its plant in Blakely, Georg...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Get High Naturally With This Hallucinogenic Video -- Warning: Do Not View if You Have a Seizure Disorder
Hallucinate within seconds by watching the center of this video. Keep your eyes open, then look at a blank wall.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
How choices influence the food decisions we make
Lots of food choices make people think they're actually getting less, while a healthy option on the menu makes some people more likely to opt for less healthy choices, new research says.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) How choices influe...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Swedish Stomach and Chest Massage-Adding on to Your Relaxing Massage
Ok, we have finished our Swedish Back Massage and Swedish Head & Neck Massage protocols so far. Our partner is on their back still so we are going to segue down to massage the front of shoulders, chest area, and belly. I know its very common to not enj...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Here's Your Chance to Change the FDA - I Need Your Help on This One
In November 2007, a 60-page report entitled FDA Science and Mission at Risk was released by the FDA. In this report, the agency admitted that it lacks the competency and capacity to keep up with scientific advances. The FDA now admits that Americans are s...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the most difficult to fathom mental illnesses is the mysterious-sounding borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychologist Marsha Linehan says that, ''Borderline individuals are the psychological equivalent of third-degree-burn patients. They simp...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Vitamins: No help in preventing cancer, heart disease in women
Multivitamins have no health benefit in preventing cancer or heart disease in post-menopausal women, according to results from the Women's Health Initiative study, which was led by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
FDA Melamine Guidelines Expose You to Danger
The decision by the U.S. FDA to allow U infant formula contaminated with melamine or its byproducts onto store shelves is ''seriously flawed'' and medically risky, according to scientists at the nonprofit group Consumers Union. The FDA detected either mela...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Wall Street Journal Agrees Probiotics are Good For You
The Wall Street Journal article linked below shines some mainstream media attention on something I have been promoting for years -- probiotics. Consuming these healthy bacteria can improve your body's overall balance of good versus bad micro-organisms, boo...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Swedish Neck and Face Massage- Relax and Prevent Burnout
After we have completed the back of the body from our previous post: Swedish Back Massage We will turn our partner over to deal with the head, neck, chest, arms and legs. Lets move on to the head and neck: The most natural order in which to massage the dif...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Study: Pot use linked to increased risk of testicular cancer
A study by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that heavy marijuana use is linked to increased risk of testicular cancer.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
National Children's Study Recruiting Now
Researchers are planning the largest study of children in the United States ever -- hoping to track one hundred thousand children around the country from conception to adulthood. For health nerds like me, this study is both interesting and ambitious, and ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Why Economics Drives Most Food Options You Have
Being overweight is not just a disease; it's a symptom of many other things that are wrong with your diet. And much of the blame for the current American diet comes down to economics. In a $10 trillion economy, $1 trillion goes to food companies and $1.5 t...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
In Washington hospitals: Code blue will mean code blue
Washington state hospitals will adopt a standardized set of emergency codes, wrist-band colors and isolation signs by October of 2009, as part of Washington State Hospital Association project.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
How Should Obama Reform Health Care?
Harvard physician Dr. Atul Gawande offers simple advice on health care reform: start with what you have.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Swedish Back Massage How To- Improve Health and Burnout Prevention
Part of being healthy is bringing your body back into balance anytime it becomes unbalanced. The most common example here is that we daily put our body into stress, which is okay and normal, we just need to bring it back to balance. Massage is just one way...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Health Dept.: Burien dentist failed to ensure tools were sterilized
The Department of Health suspended the license of Burien dentist Parivash Khajavi, after alleging that she failed to ensure proper sterilization of her equipment.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Dr. J will see you now: The color of health
Eating foods of a bunch of different colors isn't just more interesting and flavorful, it is a healthier way to eat. Different colored produce has different antioxidants and vitamins, so eating a variety means you're getting more benefits, Dr. J says.From ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Ear Candling -- Playing With Fire
By Dr. Mercola Many readers of my newsletter have written to ask why I don't recommend ear candling. The answer is simple. From all of my research it appears that ear candling doesn't work as its proponents claim, and it actually has the potential to be ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
On changing habits, willpower and weight gain
Experts share methods for breaking bad habits, while research suggests that kids who lack willpower and self control at a young age may be more likely to be overweight later in childhood.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) On changing habit...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Herb of the Week-Learn Something New Weekly
I am now going to start writing this “Herb of the Week”. I thought this would be a nice change of some of the writing to specifically talk about an individual herb rather than just conditions and such with herbs that are used for it. I will be ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
As Medical Tourism Grows, Hold On We're In For a Wild Ride
By Bob Wachter Until now, medical tourism has been a curiosity, iconic ''Wow, Look How Flat the World Is Becoming,'' fodder for stories on 60 Minutes. But as health insurers and employers get into the act, get ready for some...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Bisphenol-A is OK With the FDA, But Not With Scientists
Bisphenol-A, also known as BPA, is an estrogen-like chemical used in many plastics. The chemical also lines the inside of metal food cans. Studies have linked BPA exposure to obesity, heart disease and cancer.However, the U.S. FDA has thus far refused to t...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Ear Candling -- Playing With Fire
By Dr. Mercola Many readers of my newsletter have written to ask why I don't recommend ear candling. The answer is simple. From all of my research it appears that ear candling doesn't work as its proponents claim, and it actually has the potential to be ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Is Fish Oil Better than Drugs For Preventing Heart Disease
Fish oil and Omega fatty acids, namely Omega-3, continue to show more and more health benefits. Omega fatty acids have been researched for effectiveness against cancer,� brain function, depression, cardiovascular disorders, and much more. Although Omegas h...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Does watching TV lead to depression? Study says maybe.
Teens who watch a lot of TV and play a lot of computer games have a higher chance of developing depression as young adults compared with teens who have less media exposure, according to a study by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine published i...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
NYT has new column on navigating health care in a recession
The New York Times launches a new column called ''Patient Money'' to help people navigate health care during a recession.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Most Clever Billboard Advertising You Have Ever Seen
Here are some extremely creative uses of billboards. Most are from advertising campaigns by various companies.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Most Clever Billboard Advertising You Have Ever Seen
Here are some extremely creative uses of billboards. Most are from advertising campaigns by various companies.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
What I'm drinking now: Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate juice is touted as being heart healthy and having tons of antioxidants. But how does it taste? I take the beverage for a test drink. From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) What I'm drinking now: Pomegranate juice
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Coca-Cola Sued for Marketing Vitaminwater as Healthy
A class action suit contends that Coca-Cola is illegally marketing its ''Vitaminwater'' line as a healthy product. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is one party to the suit, which cites California consumer-protection laws. According to...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Can Chocolate Disrupt Your Sleep?
Chocolate contains caffeine, but in varying amounts depending on the type. A 1.5-ounce Hershey's milk chocolate bar contains nine milligrams, about three times as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. But a dark chocolate Hershey's candy bar has ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
The Importance of Being Charles Grassley
By ROBERT LASZEWSKI The extension and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program SCHIP has now passed the full House and the Senate Finance Committee and is on its way to the full Senate. After minor differences between the...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
No weight loss from ''calorie-burning'' drink Enviga
Twenty-eight attorneys general, including Washington's Rob McKenna, have reached a settlement with Coca Cola and Nestle that requires them to say their ''calorie-burning'' drink Enviga produces no weight loss.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Advert: The Haas Business of Healthcare Conference
The Haas Business of Health Care Conference provides an interdisciplinary forum where cutting-edge information and innovative approaches to health care are shared. This is the only event of its kind on the West Coast where health care industry professional...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Tell the EPA You Don't Want Colloidal Silver Regulated as a Pesticide!
Emergency Alert: Stop EPA From Further Regulating Colloidal Silver as a ''Pesticide''Radical environmental groups and fake ''consumer advocate'' groups have joined hands to accelerate the ongoing campaign to have the EPA regulate all commercial forms of na...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Coffee Can Cause Hallucinations
People who drink as little as three cups of brewed coffee, or the equivalent amount of caffeine from another source, are more likely to hallucinate.That amount of caffeine intake, whether it comes from coffee, tea, chocolate or caffeinated energy drinks or...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Alli is Yet Another Useless Weight Loss Drug
A study has shown that orlistat, a weight-loss drug sold under the brand-name Xenical and over the counter as Alli, does not help patients with fatty liver disease lose weight, nor does it improve their liver enzymes or insulin resistance. With obesity on ...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
A Day In The Life Of A Nurse: What Does A Nurse Do?
There are two kinds of nurses, a registered nurse or an RN and a licensed practical or vocational nurse, also known as an LPN or LVN. They are important figures on the medical team.
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Sweetening the Control of Diabetes - With Herbs
It's a silent killer; it strikes when you least expect it to, and though you may not take it seriously, diabetes is a disease that leads to a range of complications. From heart disease to hypertension, you're likely to suffer from them all if you're a diab...
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[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Herb of the Week-Learn Something New Weekly
I am now going to start writing this “Herb of the Week”. I thought this would be a nice change of some of the writing to specifically talk about an individual herb rather than just conditions and such with herbs that are used for it. I will be taking my own picture of the herbs [...] News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Nibbles: Fish really is good for IQ, any wine boosts breast cancer risk, and student store selling junk food shut down
Boys who eat fish have higher IQs; fit students score better on standardized tests; wine linked to more breast cancer; British Columbia to reduce trans fat in restaurants; reaction time linked to life span; and kids can't sell junk food at school. From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Nibbles: Fish really is good for IQ, any wine boosts breast cancer risk, and student store selling junk food shut down News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Oprah introduces viewers to Ruby
Oprah shares the story of Ruby, a once 700-pound woman who is losing weight and showing the world how it's done with her own show on the Style Network.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Oprah introduces viewers to Ruby News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Swedish Neck and Face Massage- Relax and Prevent Burnout
After we have completed the back of the body from our previous post: Swedish Back Massage We will turn our partner over to deal with the head, neck, chest, arms and legs. Lets move on to the head and neck: The most natural order in which to massage the different parts of the head is first to do [...] RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Weight and death, weight and joints, and more on weight and death
Death premiums for the overweight, exercising joints doesn't cause harm, and another eating contest death.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Weight and death, weight and joints, and more on weight and death RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
National Children's Study Recruiting Now
Researchers are planning the largest study of children in the United States ever -- hoping to track one hundred thousand children around the country from conception to adulthood. For health nerds like me, this study is both interesting and ambitious, and I can't wait to see how it goes. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Herb of the Week-Learn Something New Weekly
I am now going to start writing this “Herb of the Week”. I thought this would be a nice change of some of the writing to specifically talk about an individual herb rather than just conditions and such with herbs that are used for it. I will be taking my own picture of the herbs [...] RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Fitness briefs: Activity helps you feel young, and long and lean is good for soccer players
Staying active keeps people feeling young as they age; ankle exercises add strength for seniors; even starting exercise at 50 shows health benefits; breath training may help with bursts of exercise; and tall but skinny a good shape for soccer players.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Fitness briefs: Activity helps you feel young, and long and lean is good for soccer players RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
What I'm drinking now: Acai juice
Taking acai juice for a spin yields a strange taste in the mouth and the feeling that you'd hope the health benefits are real for a product that doesn't always taste that good.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) What I’m drinking now: Acai juice News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Swedish Back Massage How To- Improve Health and Burnout Prevention
Part of being healthy is bringing your body back into balance anytime it becomes unbalanced. The most common example here is that we daily put our body into stress, which is okay and normal, we just need to bring it back to balance. Massage is just one way to do this. Massages relax the body, [...] RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
How Should Obama Reform Health Care?
Harvard physician Dr. Atul Gawande offers simple advice on health care reform: start with what you have. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
FDA Melamine Guidelines Expose You to Danger
The decision by the U.S. FDA to allow U infant formula contaminated with melamine or its byproducts onto store shelves is ''seriously flawed'' and medically risky, according to scientists at the nonprofit group Consumers Union. The FDA detected either melamine or its byproduct cyanuric acid separately in several containers of infant formula tested in the fall, but never both together. According to the FDA, the potentially dangerous health effects from the industrial chemicals occur only when both are present. However, in a letter written to FDA commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary-Designate Tom Daschle, consumer advocates argued that the FDA was assuming parents would never feed their babies more than one type of formula. Two formulas could lead to both chemicals being ingested. So far, melamine has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China. It has killed at least six infants there. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the most difficult to fathom mental illnesses is the mysterious-sounding borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychologist Marsha Linehan says that, ''Borderline individuals are the psychological equivalent of third-degree-burn patients. They simply have, so to speak, no emotional skin. Even the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering.'' Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most. As many as 75 percent hurt themselves, and approximately 10 percent commit suicide. They are capable of deep love and profound rage almost simultaneously. They attack their loved ones so unexpectedly that they often ensure abandonment -- which is their greatest fear. When they want to hold, they claw instead. Many therapists have no idea how to treat borderlines. What defines borderline personality disorder is the sufferers' inability to calibrate their feelings and behavior. When faced with an event that makes them depressed or angry, they often become inconsolable or enraged. This leads to impulsive behaviors -- overeating, substance abuse, suicide attempts or intentional self-injury. Diagnosis of the condition appears to be sharply on the rise. A study of nearly 35,000 adults found that 5.9 percent had been given a BPD diagnosis. As recently as 2000, the it was believed that only 2 percent of people had BPD. Is borderline the mental illness of the age? When so many are struggling to keep homes and paychecks, might they have become more sensitized to other kinds of desperation? In a world so uncertain, maybe it's natural to lose one's emotional skin. BPD does have at least one thing in common with a recession -- everyone (at least in the world of psychiatry) talks about it, but no one knows what to do about it. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Swedish Stomach and Chest Massage-Adding on to Your Relaxing Massage
Ok, we have finished our Swedish Back Massage and Swedish Head & Neck Massage protocols so far. Our partner is on their back still so we are going to segue down to massage the front of shoulders, chest area, and belly. I know its very common to not enjoy getting your stomach touched, well all [...] RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
Advert: The Haas Business of Healthcare Conference
The Haas Business of Health Care Conference provides an interdisciplinary forum where cutting-edge information and innovative approaches to health care are shared. This is the only event of its kind on the West Coast where health care industry professionals will... RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Oprah introduces viewers to Ruby
Oprah shares the story of Ruby, a once 700-pound woman who is losing weight and showing the world how it's done with her own show on the Style Network.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Oprah introduces viewers to Ruby RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
OP-ED: The MRI Safety Gap
By Tobias Gilk In health care, particularly in patient safety, there is a cultural predisposition towards excellence. There's a fundamental desire to create better, safer environments in support of care. That applies to staff qualifications, policies & procedures, medical technology,... News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Wall Street Journal Agrees Probiotics are Good For You
The Wall Street Journal article linked below shines some mainstream media attention on something I have been promoting for years -- probiotics. Consuming these healthy bacteria can improve your body's overall balance of good versus bad micro-organisms, boosting your general health. But be careful -- not all of the probiotic-containing products found on store shelves provide the health benefits they claim. Some regular foods contain healthy bacteria naturally, such as yogurt and naturally fermented pickles. But pasteurization has eliminated many of the probiotics that should be found in modern foods. The recent boom in probiotic products reflects an effort to re-introduce bacteria that promote good health. When choosing a probiotic, look for products that list a specific strain of bacteria on their label, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG -- the final two letters identify the strain. A product that simply uses the first two names may include a similar, but not identical, bacterium that doesn't have the same scientific testing behind it. It's best when the actual product -- not just the bacterium -- has been tested in humans. Don't be afraid to do a bit of research, especially when a simple Web search can yield a lot of information. Some additional tips: Look for the word ''live'' on the package, since organisms killed by processing won't be helpful. The expiration date may be particularly important, because even if a product still tastes good the bacteria may no longer be alive. For maximum benefit, try to consume a variety of different bacteria, as each may contribute something slightly different. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
And You Thought You Had a Bad Day? -- Watch this Incredibly Inspiring Video
No matter who you are, there are moments when you will feel the world is too much -- days when you want to pull up the covers and half-sleep in bed until nightfall. This is normal. It's an integral part of building anything remarkable, whether a business, a relationship, or a life. Expanding your sphere of comfort and abilities comes with a cost: repeated self-doubt. The above video may put things in perspective. In your moments of self-doubt, watch it and meditate on all of the things you've done that you once considering impossible. Get back up. Bigger and better things are waiting for you. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Sleepless Nights Means More Colds
People who sleep less than seven hours a night are three times as likely to catch a cold. A new study supports the theory that sleep is important to immune function. Volunteers who spent less time in bed were much more likely to catch a cold when viruses were dripped into their noses. People who slept longer and more soundly resisted infection better. Researchers tested more than 150 healthy volunteers, locking them in a hotel for five days after infecting them with a cold virus. The men and women who reported fewer than seven hours of sleep, on average, were 2.94 times more likely to develop sneezing, sore throat and other cold symptoms. And the volunteers who spent less than 92 percent of their time in bed asleep were 5 and a half times more likely to become ill than better sleepers. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Tell the EPA You Don't Want Colloidal Silver Regulated as a Pesticide!
Emergency Alert: Stop EPA From Further Regulating Colloidal Silver as a ''Pesticide''Radical environmental groups and fake ''consumer advocate'' groups have joined hands to accelerate the ongoing campaign to have the EPA regulate all commercial forms of nanosilver, including colloidal silver, as a ''new pesticide.''The Center for Food Safety has urged their readers to send comments to the EPA supporting the ''Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.''This petition -- if accepted and acted upon by the EPA -- could allow the EPA to regulate colloidal silver off the market on the grounds that it could potentially harm the environment.Since EPA depends heavily upon public comments when deciding upon new regulatory action, it is vitally important that they get to hear the views of those who do NOT want to see nanosilver further regulated by the EPA as a ''new pesticide.''You have only until January 20th to submit comments to the EPA against the proposal by radical environmental groups that want the EPA to immediately begin regulating nanosilver (read: colloidal silver) as a ''pesticide'' -- an action that could remove colloidal silver from the market at some point in time. You can forward your comments directly to the EPA, using one of the following ways:Send your comments by fax or email directly to the EPA Administrator, Mr. Stephen Johnson:Email: Fax: 202-501-1450Be sure to reference Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650, and state that your comments pertain to the ''Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.''There's also a page on the EPA web site that says comments can be sent by mail to the following address:Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P)Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20460-0001You can also post a comment to the EPA web site regarding the proposed regulations, using this link. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Here's Your Chance to Change the FDA - I Need Your Help on This One
In November 2007, a 60-page report entitled FDA Science and Mission at Risk was released by the FDA. In this report, the agency admitted that it lacks the competency and capacity to keep up with scientific advances. The FDA now admits that Americans are suffering and dying because the FDA does not have the scientific ability to ascertain if new drugs are safe or effective or to evaluate scientific claims. These failures affect the health of all Americans. Good drugs are not approved or approved after interminable delays. Even after new drugs are shown to be safe, doctors cannot use them with terminally ill patients whose cases are otherwise hopeless. Bad drugs are approved -- often on the basis of a recommendation by panels whose members include drug company consultants. The record with the food supply is almost as bad as with drugs. When fresh food turns out to be contaminated, the only solution the Agency can come up with is to ''nuke'' it with radiation. What does this do to food? The FDA certainly does not know. The FDA pushes forward, approving faulty and dangerous drugs and medical devices by the thousands and approving toxic chemicals for use in baby formula, baby bottles, and prescription drugs. Meanwhile, the FDA pursues what can only be described as a harassment campaign against those who want to rely on wholesome foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle changes to achieve natural good health. A veritable revolution is taking place in the science of food, food extracts, and food supplements. Food producers would like to tell the American public about it. Millions of lives could be saved as a result. But the FDA will not permit it. The Agency ignores first amendment protections and censors the communication of valid scientific information. The epidemics currently plaguing this country-- cancer, obesity, diabetes, asthma and allergies, and many other debilitating disorders-- are linked to manmade products and processes that the FDA has approved and promoted. These failures have resulted in the sickest generation in the history of this country. The agency seems to have lost sight of its mandate to protect the public and has instead come to see itself as the guardian of corporate interests. It is time to end the many conflicts of interest linking the FDA to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, conflicts of interest that betray the public and harm so many American consumers. It is time to reform the FDA! To persuade Congress to address the comprehensive failure of the FDA, the American Association for Health Freedom has drafted a petition to reform the FDA. Simply go to and add your signature. Sign that petition and spread the word. Together, we can make a difference. We can turn the FDA around and help restore our national health. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Can Chocolate Disrupt Your Sleep?
Chocolate contains caffeine, but in varying amounts depending on the type. A 1.5-ounce Hershey's milk chocolate bar contains nine milligrams, about three times as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. But a dark chocolate Hershey's candy bar has far more: about 30 milligrams, the same as a cup of instant tea. Chocolate also has other stimulants. One is theobromine, which increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness. In other words, eating chocolate at night can potentially keep you awake. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Study: Pot use linked to increased risk of testicular cancer
A study by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that heavy marijuana use is linked to increased risk of testicular cancer. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Ear Candling -- Playing With Fire
By Dr. Mercola Many readers of my newsletter have written to ask why I don't recommend ear candling. The answer is simple. From all of my research it appears that ear candling doesn't work as its proponents claim, and it actually has the potential to be quite dangerous. There's no scientific evidence that candling has any real benefits, but there are a significant number of reports of burn injuries caused by the procedure. A Mysterious History Although ear candling is thought to be an ancient practice, its origin is unclear. Places and cultures as diverse as China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, Tibet, the mythical city of Atlantis, and even the Hopi Indian tribe have been mentioned as having originated the practice. No one seems to know for certain, The Hopi Tribal Council has publicly stated that the Hopi people do not and have never practiced ear candling. How Candling is Performed The ear candling procedure itself involves putting a hollow cone-shaped device or ''candle,'' typically made of linen or cotton soaked in wax or paraffin, in the ear canal, and lighting it on fire. The person undergoing the procedure lies on his or her side. A paper plate or other collection device is placed above the ear, and the candle is inserted through a hole in the plate into the ear canal. The candle is lit, and trimmed as it burns down. After the candle burns down and is removed from the ear, a cotton swab is used to clean visible wax from the ear, and oil is sometimes applied as a finishing touch. What Advocates Claim Proponents and practitioners of candling maintain the procedure removes wax and other impurities from the ear. The process by which this purportedly happens is as the smoke moves down the candle into your ear and back out again, a vacuum is created that pulls out wax and other debris from your ear into the hollow candle. Some practitioners offer proof of the success of the procedure by putting the still-warm candle in a bowl of water, claiming everything that floats free -- that isn't obviously candle wax -- is ear wax, dead skin, toxins, and other debris. Some even go so far as to claim the debris is actually candida (yeast). Other practitioners will offer proof by opening up a just-burned candle, claiming that the residue left behind is ear wax and debris from the client's ear. Ear candling is advertised as being helpful for hearing loss, inner ear pain, and relief of tinnitus. Claims also include that candling cleanses your ear canal, cures ear aches, relieves ''fluid buildup,'' and alleviates sinus pressure. Some advocates go even further by asserting the procedure ''clears'' your eyes, fortifies your central nervous system, releases blocked energy, and stabilizes emotions. Why These Claims Do Not Appear to be Valid Wax is sticky. The negative pressure required to force wax from your ear canal would need to be so powerful that it would rupture your eardrum in the process. There is no vacuum effect created by smoke moving down the candle. Research published in the journal Laryngoscope measured this pressure and concluded that no negative pressure was created. The same research also revealed that no ear wax was removed during candling, and that candle wax was actually deposited in some test subjects' ears. Removal of debris from the ear is based on the claim that the eardrum is porous and allows impurities to pass through. This is just not true. The debris that appears inside the burned candle and/or in the collection device is nothing more than ashes from the wick and wax from the candle itself. Playing With Fire Not only is ear candling ineffective, it can be dangerous. As mentioned in the Laryngoscope article linked above, a 1996 survey of 144 ear, nose and throat physicians found that 10 percent had seen patients with injuries resulting from ear candling. These injuries included external burns, ear canal obstruction with candle wax, and even a perforated eardrum. Despite the significant risks involved with the procedure, many people who perform ear candling for profit have no medical background and do not use otoscopes in order to avoid the legalities of practicing medicine without a license. For an in-depth, graphic account of the case of one woman with self-inflicted wounds caused by ear candling, read this article by Richard Harris, Ph.D., of Brigham Young University. Why I Don't Recommend Ear Candling Aside from the fact that ear candling is a potentially dangerous practice with no proven benefits, even if candling could remove wax from the ear I would advise against it. The wax in your ears provides a coating that protects your inner ear against water and dust. Ear wax, known in scientific terms as cerumen, is acidic and helps battle bacteria. It is also an anti-fungal. Ear wax has been designed by nature as a cleaning mechanism for your ear. For most of us, the wax moves through the ear canal and eventually makes it to the outside, taking any dirt and other accumulated matter with it. Only ear wax that has reached the opening of your ear should be removed. Says Benjamin Asher, chairman of the committee on alternative medicine for the American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery: ''I'm open to a lot of complementary therapies, but I'm not at all impressed with this one.'' And according to Dr. David Leopold, director of integrative medical education at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in San Diego: ''(At Scripps) we do integrative medicine. We're always dealing with the 'alternative' world. . If it works and it's safe we want it for our patients. But pretty definitely this is one you shouldn't try. At the very best it's not going to work. At the worst it's going to be dangerous. . It's not effective and people should stay away.'' How to Deal with a Chronic Ear Wax Problem Frequently, the cause of excessive wax buildup is an omega-3 deficiency. If you're not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, I recommend supplementing with with a high quality source of animal based omega three oil like krill oil. If wax in your ear becomes impacted, read here for steps you can take to remedy the situation. References:,9171,997230,00.html?promoid=googlep RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Everything You Need to Know About Arthritis
Dr. Mercola explains what arthritis is, and how you can treat it using natural methods that are free of side effects. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Nibbles: Fish really is good for IQ, any wine boosts breast cancer risk, and student store selling junk food shut down
Boys who eat fish have higher IQs; fit students score better on standardized tests; wine linked to more breast cancer; British Columbia to reduce trans fat in restaurants; reaction time linked to life span; and kids can't sell junk food at school. From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Nibbles: Fish really is good for IQ, any wine boosts breast cancer risk, and student store selling junk food shut down RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
NYT has new column on navigating health care in a recession
The New York Times launches a new column called ''Patient Money'' to help people navigate health care during a recession. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream
In the Wall Street Journal article linked below, Deepak Chopra explains how mainstream acceptance of what is now considered ''alternative'' medicine could revolutionize U.S. healthcare. In mid-February, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences will convene a ''Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public.'' This could be a watershed in the evolution of integrative medicine, a holistic approach to health care that uses the best of conventional and alternative therapies. Many ''alternative'' therapies are now scientifically documented to be not only medically effective, but also cost effective. To make affordable health care available to the 45 million Americans who do not have health insurance, it is important to address the real and fundamental causes of health and illness, and provide incentives for healthy ways of living rather than just drugs and surgery. Heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer and obesity account for 75 percent of health-care costs, and all of these are largely preventable and even reversible by changing diet and lifestyle. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
FDA Melamine Guidelines Expose You to Danger
The decision by the U.S. FDA to allow U infant formula contaminated with melamine or its byproducts onto store shelves is ''seriously flawed'' and medically risky, according to scientists at the nonprofit group Consumers Union. The FDA detected either melamine or its byproduct cyanuric acid separately in several containers of infant formula tested in the fall, but never both together. According to the FDA, the potentially dangerous health effects from the industrial chemicals occur only when both are present. However, in a letter written to FDA commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary-Designate Tom Daschle, consumer advocates argued that the FDA was assuming parents would never feed their babies more than one type of formula. Two formulas could lead to both chemicals being ingested. So far, melamine has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China. It has killed at least six infants there. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Vaccinating Older People Against Pneumonia is a 'Waste of Time'
In the UK, millions of senior citizens have been vaccinated against pneumonia with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines (PPVs). However, according to researchers, giving vaccinations to older people for an infection which causes pneumonia is a waste of time. The largest review yet into efficacy of the vaccine found that it does not cut the risk of pneumonia in people aged 65 and over. The review looked at 22 trials from several countries, involving more than 100,000 people. However, unlike some similar reviews, this one also investigated why different studies had produced different results. They found only high quality studies produced reliable results, and all of those studies failed to find any evidence that this kind of vaccine could prevent pneumonia. Those who received PPVs were not less likely to contract pneumonia, and they made little difference in the risk of death. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
More retailers selling tobacco to minors
Cigarette smoking rates have been declining for years, but, curiously, illegal tobacco sales to minors is on the rise. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
An Interview with Matthew Holt
By RICHARD REECE With an Introduction by Brian Klepper ''Here is a treat for regular readers of THCB and, certainly, for everyone who has come to know Matthew. Below, the erudite retired Pathologist, fierce physician advocate, health care chronicler and... RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Napping and Memory
I'm a big fan of naps. Back in my radio days, I often kept a weird schedule -- up at four in the morning and at work by five-thirty. I'd be done for the day around two in the afternoon... and would often take an afternoon nap to recharge. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Nibbles: Dietitians prejudiced against obese, optimism helps you live longer and helping kids get fit
Dietitian students prejudiced against obese; deaths from obesity up 35 percent in Britain; optimism may help women live longer; diabetes drugs often given too early; calling for more team sport participation; and weight lifting for kids.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Nibbles: Dietitians prejudiced against obese, optimism helps you live longer and helping kids get fit News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Coca-Cola Sued for Marketing Vitaminwater as Healthy
A class action suit contends that Coca-Cola is illegally marketing its ''Vitaminwater'' line as a healthy product. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is one party to the suit, which cites California consumer-protection laws. According to the suit, ''Vitaminwater is not a healthy beverage. Rather it is sugar water -- just like soft drinks -- with a few added vitamins.'' The suit cites the labeling of Vitaminwater with flavors such as ''defense,'' ''rescue,'' ''energy'' and ''multi-v'' as proof of its health claims. The suit asks that California consumers of Vitaminwater be awarded actual and punitive damages. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Vitamins: No help in preventing cancer, heart disease in women
Multivitamins have no health benefit in preventing cancer or heart disease in post-menopausal women, according to results from the Women's Health Initiative study, which was led by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Herbs for Health, Vitality & Longevity
Its time to bring in the New Year and what better than to resolute Health, Long Life, and Vitality while steering free of colds and keeping your hair color! I have some herbs along with some preparations to achieve such goals this year! I have some Chinese Herbs and some Western Herbs for you to use, [...] News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'alternative' ]
All Dr. J needed to know he learned in medical school
Dr. J shares some of the important lessons he learned in medical school and how these ideas can help us all be a little healthier and approach our health in a saner way.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) All Dr. J needed to know he learned in medical school RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
A Day In The Life Of A Nurse: What Does A Nurse Do?
There are two kinds of nurses, a registered nurse or an RN and a licensed practical or vocational nurse, also known as an LPN or LVN. They are important figures on the medical team. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Nibbles: The layoff 15, China's new food safety law and the Russian diet
Stress eating causing more Americans to gain weight; hostile men more likely to gain weight; China's food safety system still a mess as new law passes; fen-phen lawyers were OK to take 49 percent of settlement, another lawyer says; and Russians should diet to save money and get healthier.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) Nibbles: The layoff 15, China’s new food safety law and the Russian diet News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
As Medical Tourism Grows, Hold On We're In For a Wild Ride
By Bob Wachter Until now, medical tourism has been a curiosity, iconic ''Wow, Look How Flat the World Is Becoming,'' fodder for stories on 60 Minutes. But as health insurers and employers get into the act, get ready for some... RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
Vaccinating Older People Against Pneumonia is a 'Waste of Time'
In the UK, millions of senior citizens have been vaccinated against pneumonia with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines (PPVs). However, according to researchers, giving vaccinations to older people for an infection which causes pneumonia is a waste of time. The largest review yet into efficacy of the vaccine found that it does not cut the risk of pneumonia in people aged 65 and over. The review looked at 22 trials from several countries, involving more than 100,000 people. However, unlike some similar reviews, this one also investigated why different studies had produced different results. They found only high quality studies produced reliable results, and all of those studies failed to find any evidence that this kind of vaccine could prevent pneumonia. Those who received PPVs were not less likely to contract pneumonia, and they made little difference in the risk of death. RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the most difficult to fathom mental illnesses is the mysterious-sounding borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychologist Marsha Linehan says that, ''Borderline individuals are the psychological equivalent of third-degree-burn patients. They simply have, so to speak, no emotional skin. Even the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering.'' Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most. As many as 75 percent hurt themselves, and approximately 10 percent commit suicide. They are capable of deep love and profound rage almost simultaneously. They attack their loved ones so unexpectedly that they often ensure abandonment -- which is their greatest fear. When they want to hold, they claw instead. Many therapists have no idea how to treat borderlines. What defines borderline personality disorder is the sufferers' inability to calibrate their feelings and behavior. When faced with an event that makes them depressed or angry, they often become inconsolable or enraged. This leads to impulsive behaviors -- overeating, substance abuse, suicide attempts or intentional self-injury. Diagnosis of the condition appears to be sharply on the rise. A study of nearly 35,000 adults found that 5.9 percent had been given a BPD diagnosis. As recently as 2000, the it was believed that only 2 percent of people had BPD. Is borderline the mental illness of the age? When so many are struggling to keep homes and paychecks, might they have become more sensitized to other kinds of desperation? In a world so uncertain, maybe it's natural to lose one's emotional skin. BPD does have at least one thing in common with a recession -- everyone (at least in the world of psychiatry) talks about it, but no one knows what to do about it. RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the most difficult to fathom mental illnesses is the mysterious-sounding borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychologist Marsha Linehan says that, ''Borderline individuals are the psychological equivalent of third-degree-burn patients. They simply have, so to speak, no emotional skin. Even the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering.'' Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most. As many as 75 percent hurt themselves, and approximately 10 percent commit suicide. They are capable of deep love and profound rage almost simultaneously. They attack their loved ones so unexpectedly that they often ensure abandonment -- which is their greatest fear. When they want to hold, they claw instead. Many therapists have no idea how to treat borderlines. What defines borderline personality disorder is the sufferers' inability to calibrate their feelings and behavior. When faced with an event that makes them depressed or angry, they often become inconsolable or enraged. This leads to impulsive behaviors -- overeating, substance abuse, suicide attempts or intentional self-injury. Diagnosis of the condition appears to be sharply on the rise. A study of nearly 35,000 adults found that 5.9 percent had been given a BPD diagnosis. As recently as 2000, the it was believed that only 2 percent of people had BPD. Is borderline the mental illness of the age? When so many are struggling to keep homes and paychecks, might they have become more sensitized to other kinds of desperation? In a world so uncertain, maybe it's natural to lose one's emotional skin. BPD does have at least one thing in common with a recession -- everyone (at least in the world of psychiatry) talks about it, but no one knows what to do about it. News widgets and RSS feeds on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
What I'm eating now: Red beans and rice
Eat dinner on the cheap for a couple of days with a big pot of homemade beans, which you can make vegetarian or add the meat of your choice.From the RSS feed of CalorieLab News (REF3076322B7) What I'm eating now: Red beans and rice RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Health Dept.: Burien dentist failed to ensure tools were sterilized
The Department of Health suspended the license of Burien dentist Parivash Khajavi, after alleging that she failed to ensure proper sterilization of her equipment. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'nutrition' ]
Get High Naturally With This Hallucinogenic Video -- Warning: Do Not View if You Have a Seizure Disorder
Hallucinate within seconds by watching the center of this video. Keep your eyes open, then look at a blank wall. RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
Can Chocolate Disrupt Your Sleep?
Chocolate contains caffeine, but in varying amounts depending on the type. A 1.5-ounce Hershey's milk chocolate bar contains nine milligrams, about three times as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. But a dark chocolate Hershey's candy bar has far more: about 30 milligrams, the same as a cup of instant tea. Chocolate also has other stimulants. One is theobromine, which increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness. In other words, eating chocolate at night can potentially keep you awake. RSS news feeds and Widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'natural' ]
NYT has new column on navigating health care in a recession
The New York Times launches a new column called ''Patient Money'' to help people navigate health care during a recession. RSS feeds and News widgets on
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
[Source: Feedzilla: Top 20 opinions from blogs: Category: 'health' - Sub-category: 'top-stories' ]
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