Friday, December 21, 2007

Painful Dayz

Today I am having another very painful day. It is very cold and damp outside. I am having what I would describe as a level 8 (see scale below) pain day. I have taken a pain pill and what I need to do is go put my heating pad on my arm / shoulder and relax till the pill takes affect but I won't. I want to write this blog entry and get it posted. With all the interuptions that I have it is very difficult to concentrate on what I want to write. What to do when the pain gets to be too much. What do you do when the doctor makes you cut back on the pain medications? I have a friend who is going to have major back surgery and is in so much pain at times that he gobbles the pain pills then the doctor makes him cut in half what he was taking. He told me that he is now taking some sort of vitamin to help relieve the stress of cutting back so much. I will get the name of the vitamin and post it here.

  • 0 Pain Free No medication needed.
  • 1 Very minor annoyance - occasional minor twinges. No medication needed.
  • 2 Minor annoyance - occasional strong twinges. No medication needed.
  • 3 Annoying enough to be distracting. Mild painkillers are effective. (Aspirin, Ibuprofen.)
  • 4 Can be ignored if you are really involved in your work, but still distracting. Mild painkillers relieve pain for 3-4 hours.
  • 5 Can't be ignored for more than 30 minutes. Mild painkillers reduce pain for 3-4 hours.
  • 6 Can't be ignored for any length of time, but you can still go to work and participate in social activities. Stronger painkillers (Codeine, Vicodin) reduce pain for 3-4 hours.
  • 7 Makes it difficult to concentrate, interferes with sleep You can still function with effort. Stronger painkillers are only partially effective. Strongest painkillers relieve pain (Oxycontin, Morphine)
  • 8 Physical activity severely limited. You can read and converse with effort. Nausea and dizziness set in as factors of pain. Stronger painkillers are minimally effective. Strongest painkillers reduce pain for 3-4 hours.
  • 9 Unable to speak. Crying out or moaning uncontrollably - near delirium. Strongest painkillers are only partially effective.
  • 10 Unconscious. Pain makes you pass out. Strongest painkillers are only partially effective.

Friday, December 07, 2007

I've been using Watkins products for a very long time now.  When the pain is just beginning I spray relief to my hard to reach neck and shoulders.  What do you use? I also use heat where most people use a cold pack to reduce inflamation.

It has been quite cold and rainy here the past couple of weeks.  I'm in Southern Oregon and winter came quickly this year.  We didn't have much of a Fall season.

Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season.


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Monday, April 16, 2007

Stop The Symptoms Of Ringing Ear

Stop The Symptoms Of Ringing Ear
By: John Currie

Ringing Ear Symptoms Discussed

A strange phenomenon regarding tinnitus is that it is often not correctly recognised. The problem is that there are simply that many variables of the ringing ear symptom and also that many causes that medical professionals will often not recognize the %tinitus% symptoms you relate to them.

Many times the ringing ear symptom in the inner ear will cause "unhappy muscles" resulting from a "bad bite". The mechanics of the jaw consist of a network of vessels, muscles and nerves and when the bite is out of alignment, the muscles, nerves and vessels of the ears can be affected. Too much contraction may result in tinnitus. If a uncertain bite
causes the ringing ear symptom, a TMJ specialist can realign your bite so the jaws are synchronized with less muscle tension.

It is my experience that the ringing ear symptom is very common among those with a hearing loss which often will be caused from exposure to loud noise. However everyone with hearing loss may not necessarily experience tinnitus. The fact that you have hearing loss does not mean you will develop tinnitus. That's because there are simply that many variables associated with ear ringing. If you are subjected to a exposure to loud noise the tinnitus is often triggered.

A well known tinnitus fact, there is a 90% chance that your tinnitus is caused by cochlear damage. Ear infections, altered hearing, or even vertigo (dizziness) can be connected to a muscle-spasm problem originating with alignment of the teeth. In addition the ringing ear symptom can be indicative of allergies or sinus problems, or an old head injury, and a variety of other causes including medications such as anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, sedatives,
antidepressants, and aspirin.

Symptoms of tinnitus may be infrequent, continuous, or of a pusatile quality. You may even have single or multiple tones. When there are fewer distractions or at night the ringing ear symptom can be more annoying. Many tinnitus patients are so badly afflicted with ringing ear symptom that they are permanently incapacitated and battle to function normally. The ringing in the ears that they hear are constantly with them and indeed affect every part of their lives.

About The Author... John Currie has been helping ear ringing sufferers from his tinnitus website since 1999.
He offers both email and telephonic support for sufferers to overcome their battle with ringing ears. To learn more how you too can stop ear ringing tinnitus from driving you crazy visit now.

Treat Arthritis Early To Avoid Disability

Javier Fuller

Arthritis is a crippling disease that afflicts a number of people across the world. With it you can be down with unbearable pain and might even find it hard to perform even the simplest of tasks. In a way, it brings a phenomenal disability to you.

The general notion that it hits you only after a certain age is, by and large, wrong. It is not
something that waits till you cross sixty years of age. It emerges as a dreadful disease in elderly if not taken care of properly and early enough. The point that it cannot affect the younger generation is wholly false. It affects people in the bracket of 35 and 45 years of age. In fact, it can emerge in the form of juvenile arthritis as well. And as the name suggests, this type of arthritis affects people at a very young age. It definitely calls for immediate attention.

While curing arthritis, early diagnosis is very important. Earlier, the better! Therefore, as and when you notice the symptoms of arthritis, you should rush to a specialist in order get yourself cured of this painful malady.

As far as treatment is concerned, extensive medical research has ensured that there are many
treatments available. A research recently conducted with as many as 6000 patients across 11 European nations in around 4000 centers showed remarkable results.

The patients, during the study, were injected with Adalimumab (40 mg) once in every 2 weeks for 12 weeks. Quite amazingly, the pain in 77% of cases came down to 3% from 13%. In 70% cases the swelling dwindled down to 3% from 10%. And around 25% of the patients reported
disappearance of pain in just 12 weeks. The results, therefore, have been very encouraging.

The problem, however, is the affordability of the treatment. They are prohibitively expensive. Besides, the medication might also have some serious side effects and, thus, has to be prescribed by a seasoned medical practitioner.

Visit to know about insurance plans for disabled and rights of disabled Health and Fitness Related Articles

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Women & Heart Attacks

(NCR Sez: This was written by some lady & I have no clue who. Being me,I edited it a bit.)
Neil C. Reinhardt



(Myocardial Infarction)

This to warn woman it's true women rarely have the same dramaticsymptoms men do when experiencing a heart attack. The sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing thechest and dropping to the floor that we see in the movies. I had acompletely unexpected heart attack at about 10:30 pm with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on.

I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring catin my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, andactually thinking, "A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in mysoft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up."

A moment later, I felt the awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry, grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water.

Then this hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ballwhich is going down into the esophagus in slow motion and is mostuncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast,you needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass ofwater to hasten it's progress down to the stomach.

While this was my initial sensation---thetrouble was I had not taken a bite of a thing since about 5:00 p.m.

After this unpleasent feeling had seemed to subside, the next sensationwas like little squeezing motions which seemed to be racing upmy SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasming), gainingspeed as they continued racing up and under my sternum where one pressesrhythmically when adminstering CPR).

This feeling continued on into my throat and then branched out into bothjaws. AHA!!

NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening as I had read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of a Myocardial infarction (MI) happening,

I said aloud to myself and the cat, "Dear God, I think I'm having aheart attack !"

I lowered the foot rest, dumping the cat from my lap, started to take astep. I then promply fell on the floor instead. I then thought, "If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else... only, if I don't,nobody will know that Ineed help, an d if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in moment."

So I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed 911.

I told the operator I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn'tfeel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts.

She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in.

I then laid down on the floor as instructed & lost consciousness. I do not remember the medics coming in, their examination,lifting me onto a guerny or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way.

I did briefly awaken when we arrived, saw that the Cardiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me and asking questions. (probably something like "Have you taken any medications?")

Only I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form ananswer,and I nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stentsto hold open my right coronary artery.

I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must havetaken at least 10-15 minutes before calling the Paramedics. Actually it took perhaps 4 - 5 minutes before the call, (NCR Sez: Methinks her ability to judge time is poor. To have the thoughs she had, make it to the phone, place the call, unlock the door and lay on the floor could have all taken place in less than one or two minutes.) Both the fire station and St. Jude are only a few minutes away from myhome.

My Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs, get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents. Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail?

Because Iwant all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first hand.

1. Be aware something very different is happening in your body andthey are not the usual men's symptoms, rather they are inexplicablethings happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act ).

Many more women than men die of theirfirst (and last) Myocardial infarction (MI) because they didn't knowthey were having one, and commonly mistake it as indigestion, takesome Maalox or other anti-heartburn" preparation, and go to bed, hopingthey'll feel better in the morning when they wake up....which doesn'thappen.

My female friends, your symptoms mightnot be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics ifANYTHING is unpleasantly happening you have not felt before. It isbetter to have a "false alarm" visitation than to risk your lifeguessing what it might be!

2. Note I said "Call 911". Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER! You're a hazard to yourself andothers on the road! So is your panicked driver who will be speedingand looking anxiously atwhat's happening with you instead of the road.Do NOT call your doctor--he doesn't know where you live and if it's atnight you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants(or answering service) will tell you to call 911.

And your doctor does not carry the equipment in his car you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN which you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later.

3. Do NOT assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research proves a cholesterol elevated reading israrely the cause of an Myocardial Infarction. (MI) (That is, unless it's extreamly high, and/or accompanied by high blood pressure.) Myocardial Infarction's are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

A cardiologist said: If everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10people, you can be sure we'll save at least one life.

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Monday, February 12, 2007



You should balance your activities with the proper amount of rest. Some of the leading experts in the field of aging now believe that regular exercise along with the proper amount of rest may actually add years to the life span. Results from a number of tests indicate that speed and muscular strength of many of the elderly can be extended.

Leading authorities agree that this new data is going to shatter many of the myths about aging and physical performance. The conclusion now is that the performance and ability of the elderly has long been underestimated, diet, proper sleep and exercise along with rest and relaxation are all important factors in preserving our bodies.

Laughter is one of the best things for your mental and physical state. People are naturally attracted to someone who has a good sense of humor. You can develop a good outlook and a good sense of humor by associating with and surrounding yourself with pleasant happy people.

Recognize that stress is a killer. A life filled with stress can really wreak havoc on your body causing a number of illnesses such as hear attacks, strokes, asthma, gastric problems, menstrual disorders, ulcerative colitis, angina, irritable colon, increased blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, etc.


More Health Articles can be found HERE

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cleanse The Body, Rejuvenate The Mind - Detox Naturally by Jem Meades

Cleanse The Body, Rejuvenate The Mind - Detox Naturally by Jem Meades

Are toxins poisons? Maybe not, but they are poisonous - let me explain.

Most of us live surrounded by a huge number of pollutants, just consider air pollution in today's big cities and towns. I remember sailing a yacht just off the coast and looking back at a city of 250,000 inhabitants and was struck by the brown layer in the atmosphere that lay over the town. You would not have recognised this layer had you been walking through the streets of the town but there it was nevertheless.

The pollutants are minute, almost invisible microbes able to penetrate our bodies through the pores of our skin and are sucked into our lungs as we breathe. If germs can enter your body through very small openings, how much more the exposure where viruses can easily enter?

So what happens when the body is overloaded with pollutants? Well, it’s not as simple as just getting sick. Symptoms and effects will vary depending upon the pollutants and the extent to the exposure. For example, mind processing can be significantly affected. Pollutants block or slow down the delivery of needed nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. And since the brain is the major consumer of oxygen, it is easily affected. Have you noticed that after doing a hard-hitting mental work, you feel very exhausted even when you were just seated for hours? It is because the brain can sometimes override the whole body. So when there are lots of toxins in you, your mind becomes sluggish too.

And most of the time, it’s tough to protect ourselves from viruses and illness because our bodies are already having to battle pollutants before beginning to tackle illness. It is possible that people living and working in cities are more susceptible to disease because of this fact. So, we need to take care of our body and help it function better. We need to detoxify. Detoxification helps the rejuvenation of the mind as much as it cleanses the body.

The safest way to detoxify is having it the natural way - through proper diet. In this process of cleansing, you reduce your intake of junk foods. This means that you must avoid products that obstruct your filtering system. These products are fats, alcohol, caffeine, and food additives. While you stay away from these foods, you replace them with easy to digest fruits and vegetables. They are not only rich in vitamins, but they supplement the body with energy boosting nutrients. Surely, they are clean, given that they are prepared freshly and cleanly. The fibers in fruits and vegetables toss the toxins out.

It would be easy to lose a sense of balance over which foods to avoid in order to reduce levels of toxin in the body. For example, you could consider the toxins that foods attract when they grow and before you know it your own sense of paranoia about toxins and the need to rid your body of them becomes unbalanced. Don't avoid an occasional intake of junk food or alcohol for example, just be aware of the need to balance that intake with fruit and vegetables or other de-toxifiers.

In detoxification, fasting for a short period of time will catalyze the process. Of course this should be done under the supervision of your nutritionist or doctor. During the process, solid foods are avoided. Your intake is solely made of fruit juice and herbal teas. Research shows that fasting decreases the stress on the digestive system. By emptying the stomach, toxins are also flushed out of the body. And the liquids that you take ensure important levels of hydration which essential at all times. And remember such action should not be taken unless under the supervision of your doctor or medical practitioner.

In addition to fruit juices, some supplements are recommended for safety. To name a few are the fermented soybeans and algae powder. Fermented soy beans support the colon function and help produce the good intestinal bacteria which are major proponents of the inner cleansing process. In parallel, the algae powder gives you the feeling of being full. It supplies ample protein to ease the fatigue that some people experience during fasting.

On the whole, detoxification helps to redress the balance in our bodies particularly when we have been bombarded by toxins in our busy daily lives. Undertake detoxification in moderation under the supervision of your doctor or medical auctioneer and you will reap the benefits of a healthier body less prone to illness and disease.

Jem Meades at discusses a wide range of common health issues every week. Understanding your health will increase your confidence and ability to tackle any health issues you or your family experience.

Article Source: Article Search Engine Directory at

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"The Way to Wellness"

It's time to start a Healthy life: your 7 days program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy.In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical work with less effort.

The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn't have to be intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent.

I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides a one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm Up -- seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm-up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training -- Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets.

* Aerobic Exercise -- Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes of the second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes.

* Stretching -- Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks -- Feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months -- Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely. You are gaining muscle and losing fat.

* After six months -- Start losing weight quite rapidly.

Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don't stop there. You should also change your diet and/or eating habits,' says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day * Make sure every meal is balanced -- incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and fruits * Limit your fat intake to only what's necessary for adequate flavor * Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day * I also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

I suppose that's all I can think of for now. I should extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I wouldn't be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.

Enjoy life, we all deserve it.