Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Since all around the world, trully knowledgeable health professionalsall agree that:

"Noni Juice is the single most remarkable natural healing remedy everyet found."


"It's ability to treat an extremely wide variety of ailments isunsurpassed!"

The odds are very high that Tahitian Noni Juice IS really helping you!

It is just human nature for people to feel every nuance of any ache,pain, or irritability and yet take good health for granted.

Here's a checklist to help jog your memory so you will not misssomething when determining whether or not Noni is helping you.

Do you sleep more soundly?

Do you notice that your dreams are quite vivid (REM)?

Is it easier to get up in the morning?

Do you feel a increase in your stamina?

If you work out, are you noticing greater strength and endurance duringexercise?

Are you experiencing a heightened sense of "well being" lighter in heartand spirit, or a sense of clarity and positive focus?

Have you noticed spots or skin irritations that have disappeared, areduction in acne, or any noticeable improvement in your skin?

If you had a burn, cut, or abrasion and applied Noni juice to ittopically, have you noticed a significant difference in how fast thewound healed?

Have your bowel movements become more regular?

Has your cholesterol level decreased?

Has your blood pressure gone down?

If you are diabetic, have your sugar levelsimproved for the better?

Have you noticed a decrease in menstrual cycle problems such ascramping, breast soreness, or irritability?

If your kids are drinking Noni, do they seem less moody, more focusedand positive?

Has the pain of arthritis, tendonitis, or any other chronic pain fromold injuries that never quite healed right been reduced?

Do you seem to "get well faster" from viruses, especially the flu?

Do you seem to have better resistance to colds and flu?

If you were feverish, did Noni reduce the fever?If plagued by hemorrhoids, have they become less severe or evendisappeared?

If HIV positive, has your T-cell count gone up quite noticeably?Have benign or malignant tumors shrunken?

Has your cancer gone into remission?

Do you simply feel more youthful and alert?


Nearly EVERY person who drinks Noni juice has answered positively to atleast one, more likely several and if you are like me, to many of theabove questions.

We have well over an 80% monthly reorder rate for Tahitian Noni juice, astrong indicator that it works to help people. (The company does notmake any curative claims.)

Tahitian Noni Juice is simply a pure, natural nutritional supplementwhich helps the body make more of the important alkaloid, xeronine,which assists the body's own healing system.

Juice from the Tahitian species of the Morinda citrifolia plant is oneof nature's most potent sources of pro-xeronine, and for the first timein history it is available exclusively from Tahitian Noni International.


Sometimes in my practice, during a visit with a patient who has triedNoni Juice, I will ask how their painful problem is doing.

Patient: "It's doing a lot better this month…….."

Then later in the interview I might ask how they like the Noni Juicethey started last month.

Patient: "I like it, yet I'm not sure it's helping….."What I would like to say is: "Hellooooo…."

What I do say: "Do you think your improvement could be from the Noni?"

Patient: "You don't think it could be the Noni do you?"

What I would like to say is: "Hellooooo….

What I do say: "I bet it is, especially if that's the only thing you'vedone differently…."

Despite Tahitian Noni International's campaign of, "Everyone,Everywhere", we all know that there are a few people who give it a fairtry and don't notice any benefit.

Still, if you really quiz them, chances are they have not been totallycompliant n either drinking enough of it every day or in drinking it fora long enough period of time.

I have seen studies which looked at compliance among patients, for anexample, the average number of days a person takes a 10-day course ofantibiotics is only 4 days!

If people do NOT even take their prescription medicines correctly, everyoften. they do not drink Tahitian Noni regularly as they should,

Very sadly, this is just human nature.

I have heard Dr. Solomon speculate that the 20% of people who don't seemto benefit from Noni probably didn't drink enough or drink it longenough.

If people just drank just a little of it, they short- changedthemselves.

A common mistake is that they only have one bottle so they just sip itinstead of DRINKING it.(We've heard of distributors who won't even sell just one bottle forthis very reason….although we're not that hard-core!

It does make total sense to reinforce the fact they will most likelyneed 2-3 months to give it a fair shot!

Then when you talk to them a month later you can say, "Remember when Itold you it would take more than one bottle… blablabla).

You can find out their compliance without making them feel stupid byasking them how much they have left, or when did they finish the lastbottle.

Then just do the math.

Sometimes, the people who we really hope will have the best response arethe ones who don't, and it's a bummer.

Our sister-in-law started with the worst luck with those she gave it to.They had all sorts of "cleansing reactions" and no effectiveness, etc.and she kept pushing some and didn't others,

She stuck with it & then finally had some great experiences come backfrom people (some of those were the same people who tried to quit.)Now she's going great.

That's the reason why you want a little luck with your new distributorsright at the beginning, so that they do not get discouraged right out ofthe gate.

Everybody needs that confirmation for them- selves that they are doingthe right thing.

Once new distributors see for themselves how cool it is to have peoplecall them back with good experiences, their confidence goes sky-high andit feeds on itself!

Tell your new person to increase his/her odds with massive action atfirst, because the more juice you get out there, the better the chanceat matching the 80/20 odds.

(Which by the way, matches the great 80% re-order rate.)

What is really frustrating is when someone gets good or even greatresults, yet they decide they can't keep drinking it due to the cost, ortaste or whatever. (etc….go figure….but that's a topic for anotherday!)

Comment on dosing: everybody gets hung up on how much to drink, and the"loading doses."Or how much for what type of problem, etc.

Do NOT get caught up in that!

There is a very simple and common-sense approach to it:

If you are not getting much out of it, increase it.If you feel its doing something you do not like, decrease it for awhile.

Tahitian Noni Juice is self-dosing.

There is no toxicity at any amount,,,you can not overdose.

I personally know very sick people who have, at times, drank a bottle aday.

We hand people the juice guidelines and tell them these are onlyrecommendations. Its not a drug or a medicine,,,,you don't have to playdoctor with dosing.

After all, it is JUST NATURAL JUICES!.

Other tricks you can suggest to people before they give up:

1. Both Dr. Heinicke and Dr. Solomon say to drink lots of water duringthe day will increase the effectiveness of Noni.

2. Suggest spreading it out during the day, instead of only once ortwice. People who are trying to quit an addiction use this method.

3. The Hoa vitamins truly do complement Noni and were designed byMorinda's scientists with that in mind,,,(Hoa means "companion"). We'vejust started this and it really does potentiate the juice!

4. Make sure they haven't quit taking their regular medicinespre-maturely, that's not the goal.

We try to educate people enough so they drinkenough of it and drink it for enough time.

If after you've gone down the list with them on all the potentialchanges it might have given them, and they truly feel it hasn't done athing for them, and they have truly been drinking it for 2-3 months,then the only thing left to mention is the preventative benefits thathave been proven with Noni and see if that 's worth it to them.

After that, say, "Darn, I'm sorry that you have fallen into that smallpercentage of folks who don't notice an improvement,,,,do you want tosee if your other family members or friends fare better?

There is still an 80% chance they will!"

Last thought: Unfortunately, I think the 80% rule applies even to thosewho we care about the most and who need it the most. But to put it inperspective, 80% is still incredible.

Stay Juiced!

(Dr.) Brent and Cindy Frame


EVERY TWO SECONDS someone in our worldbuys a bottle of Tahitian Noni Juice!

I thank you for your time and may we all, 'Live long and Prosper!"

Please, Take Care!

Neil Reinhardt

Nearly everyone does Network Marketing every day, they just do not getpaid for it!